Our Facilities
24 Hours Accident & Emergency
We treat ALL patients who need emergency treatment.
24 Hours Ambulance Service
Metro Specialist Hospital Ambulance Service is available 24 hours and is furnished with essential high tech lifesaving facilities.
24 Hours Pharmacy
Our Main Pharmacy operates 24 hours while the Satellite Pharmacy caters for in-patients and also out patients.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU/CCU)
The ICU/CCU is a 7 bedded unit located on the second floor of the hospital.
Operation Theatre Complex
Consists of 4 operating rooms and equipped with all essential and modern equipment and facilities.
Fully Air-conditioned Wards
Metro Specialist Hospital provides a variety of wards /rooms to cater to the needs & requirements of our valued customers and patients.
** Isolation wards are provided for isolation cases.
Delivery Suites
Metro Specialist Hospital has 3 Delivery suites specially designed and equipped to cater to the needs and requirements of mothers-to-be with you and your baby in mind.
With well trained nurses and under tight security. Only parents are allowed to enter the nursery.
Physiotherapy Unit
The Physiotherapy Centre with a team of qualified staff to assist you to achieve and maximize independence.
In-House Laboratory
Our 24 hour In-house Laboratory caters for in and out patient's needs. The lab tests are conducted professionally to furnish speedy and accurate reports.
Stone Centre
Lithotripsy (ESWL) Sonolith i – move is the latest technology using shock waves for breaking up stones. No surgery is required. High Power Holmium Surgical Laser treating complex renal stones successfully via RIRS. The Holmium laser pulverizes the stone completely leading to high clearance rate.
Dialysis Centre
Caters for infectious & Non infections cases, single used high flux dialyser which provide optimal quality dialysis.
Interventional Cardiac Laboratory
Our interventional Cath – Lab equipped with the latest technology to diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases.
Invasive and non-invasive Angiography/Angioplasty services.
Imaging Department
With general & special procedures: MRI, CT Scan, Mammography, Ultrasonography & Fluoroscopy.
The Metro cafeteria offers a variety of delicious food directly from our in house kitchen.
Convenient Shop
Located at Lobby on the ground floor. The Convenient Shop sells foodstuff, drinks, fresh fruits, souvenirs, reading materials.
The Hospital’s Security department is located on the ground floor and is responsible for the safety of the patients, visitors and the staff.
Surau/Prayer Room
Surau or prayer rooms are provided for Muslims to perform their ‘solah’. There are two suraus - one located at the Service Block and another at the second floor.
Metro Auditorium
Located on the 3rd floor, the auditorium is fully furnished and equipped with overhead projector and screen, can be rented out as a whole or separately with a choice of the small or the larger hall. It is fully air-conditioned and the
rental rates are reasonable.
For inquiries please contact the Auditorium committee at Tel: 04-4238888 ext 1200.
Our Services
Antenatal examination & Antenatal classes | Prenatal diagnosis of Down's Syndrome | Ultrasound examination | Normal delivery, Instrument & Caesarean delivery | Epidural analgesia for labour | Cervical cerclage for incompetent cervix | Postnatal services | Contraceptive advice and counseling | Neonatal circumcision by surgeon
3 D Optical Coherence Tomography | Slit lamp and indirect ophthalmoscope & Refraction examination. | Keratometry and A scan measurement. | Laser photocoagulation treatment. | Lid,Cataract , Glaucoma & Squint surgery. | Pterygium excision & Laser eye operation.
Operations : Hysterectomy | Surgical correction of female stress incontinence | Ovarian cystectomy and oophotectomy | Tubal microsurgery (reanastamosis of BTL) | Tubal reconstruction | Surgical correction of vesico-vaginal fistula | Surgical correction of congenitally abnormal uterus | Removal of fibroid (mymectomy)
Laparoscopic Surgery : Hysterectomy, Oophorectomy, Cystectomy Tubal ligation, Ovarian drilling, Operation for pelvic pain (LUNA) & Operation for ectopic pregnancy.
Arthroplasty- Total Knee replacement | Total Hip replacement | Shoulder replacement
Arthroscopic – ACL ( Anterior Cruciate Ligament ) | PCL ( Posterior Cruciate Ligament )
Multiligament reconstruction | Meniscus cartilage repair | Open reduction of joints dislocation | Management of compound fractures of limbs bones | External & internal fixation of all long bone fractures/articular fractures
| Fracture around the hip joints in elderly and young | Hand injuries (bone and tendon) repair and fixation | Laminectomy and fenestration with discectomy and fusion | Transposition of nerve | Removal of implants | Excision of lumps
and bumps | Aspiration of joints -elbow/shoulder | Removal of foreign bodies – needle splinters | Fraction – skull/skin/skeletal AND many others | Correction of congenital deformities in children | Treatment of childhood fractures
| Treatment of bony tumors and malignancies
General ENT examination | ENT examination and bioscopy via nasoendoscopy for suspected nasopharyngeal carcinoma. | ENT examination and audiological assessment for suspected hearing loss cases. | Clinical examination and fine needle aspiration cytology of swellings in the head and neck. | Laryngoscopic examination of throat and vocal cords. | Libreoptic nasopharyngolaryngoscopic examination of ear,nose and throat with biopsy as well as removal of foreign bodies. | Rigid oesophagoscopic bronchoscopic and laryngoscopic examination and treatment | Allergy treatment. | Operations of the ear. | Operation of the Nose and Sinuses. | electric cautery (nasal bleeding) | primary site of obstruction | Operations of the mouth and throat | obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) | cord conditions. | Operation of the neck.
Psychotic Problems. | Affective Disorders. | Organic Brain Syndrome. Etc.
Laparoscopic Surgeries. Laparoscopic examination, appendicectomy, cholecystectomy, biopsy, adhesiolysis & injection or aspiration
Lithotripsy ( ESWL ) Sonolith i – move is the latest technology using shock waves for breaking up stones. No Surgery required. | High Power Holmium Surgical Laser treating complex renal stones successfully via RIRS. | The Holmium laser pulverizes the stones completely leading to high clearance rate. | Endourological procedures | Open procedures for renal stones, bladder stones, bladder cancer/tumour surgeries. | e.g: nephrectomies, cyctectomies, nephrololithotomies and ureterolithotomies. | Incontinence surgery e.g. TVT. | Transrectal ultrasound and urodynamics. | Penile Disorders | Prostate Diseases | Laparoscopic Urological Surgeries & Urological Prothesis
Haemodialysis – acute and chronic. | Peritoneal dialysis. | Kidney biopsy. | Inpatient services for patients with kidney problems. | Pre-kidney transplant work-out. | Post-kidney transplant care. | Regular outpatient clinic. | 24 hours emergency calls. | Referral service.
MRI 1.5 Tesla, 128 Slice CT Scanner, General X-ray, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, Ultrasound & Colour Doppler services.
Coronary angiography. | Right & left heart catheterization. | Coronary angioplasty with stenting (PTCA) including in the setting of acute myocardial infarction i.e primary angioplasty. | Temporary cardiac pacing. | Permanent
pacemaker implantation. | Peripheral angioplasty. | Inferior vena cava (IVC) filter. | Intraaortic balloon pump. | Pericardial tapping. |
Electrocardiogram (RCG). | 24-hour ECG monitoring (Holter monitoring). | Exercise stress test. | Transthoracic echocardiogram. | Dobutamine stress echocardiogram. | Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. | Pacemaker follow up.
Diagnostic & Therapeutic OGDS. | Diagnostic & Therapeutic Colonoscopy. | Diagnostic & Therapeutic ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography).| Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy. | Luminal Stenting Liver Biospy.
The Dietetic Unit is managed by a dietician to help individuals manage disease through diet, leading to longer and healthier lives. The dietician will provide the dietetic service which includes the following :-
Perform individual nutritional assessment | Provide nutritional counseling | Develop Individualized Diet Plan | Provide balanced and healthy meals in the hospital |
General radiography:(chest,upper extremities, lower extremities,etc..). Special procedures:(fluoroscopic examination e.g: Barium studies, HSG, Micturating cystogram, Myelogram, etc..). Portable radiology in ICU, wards or OT. Mammogram, Computerized tomography (128 Slice CT scan)- for whole body esp. brain, CT Angiography, CTA Cardiac, CT Colonography. MRI 1.5 Tesla. Ultrasound examination: (Plain U/sound, colour duplex doppler). Interventional procedure e.g: biopsy, abscess drainage, PTC under: - fluoroscopic guidance - CT guidance - Ultrasound guidance.
Ante-natal, Amenorrhea & Infertility studies. Pre op assessment, Renal profile, Cardiac function, Febrile studies, Liver function, Thyroid function, STD screening, SLE studies, Diabetic diagnostic studies, Hematological indices, Arthritis studies, Blood package 20k, Tumor marker, Urine/other fluids-biochemistry, Hematology, Immunology/Serology, Microbiology, Hormones, Cytology, Histopathology, Drug abuse & Therapeutic drugs. Syndromic approach – Biofire Film Array multiplex PCR test.
Stress ECG test, ECHO, Resting ECG test, Abdomen ultrasound & OGDS and many more.